Vivir sin sentir sería un sinsentido.

Vivir sin sentir sería un sinsentido.
The flower that blooms last is the most rare and beautiful of all.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015


No se trata de misterios, ni de fisgar en la pira de evocaciones neonatas. No se trata de este cimiento coetáneo el cual, porfiado, se adhiere a la enredadera que conforma mi corteza nevada y funde en mis ojos retintos una invidencia tan juiciosa como incauta. No se trata de erguirse por vez primera con ampulosa jactancia; pues ya sabes, querida, que el más imperecedero de los vidrios puede fragmentarse con un dúctil parpadeo, con postas de etéreos vocablos que juegan a emular a las balas. En este mi paréntesis (fortuito y ermitaño, pues hace mucho que dejé marchar a los cohortes del tiempo), caté la savia de mi ignorancia y sucumbí a un mecimiento tan voluble como férreo. Y es que, a veces, explicarte que tus atalayas me embelesan se hace tan utópico como la intransigencia de una invitación a otear el horizonte mientras me pierdo melindrosamente en el bálsamo de tu existencia. Que la curiosidad más burda es desbordada por el ardiente centelleo de tus astros, pues de tu recelo emana una perspicacia voraz, avenencia entre silencios que bisbean entre sí. Y no consiste en aligerar — al fin y al cabo, son infinitas las alienantes veredas que nos conducen a nuestro ostracismo de sombras. Tal vez, y sólo tal vez, no he aprendido a calcinar mi vestigial desasosiego en esta lumbre sediciosa. Pero cómo negar que el fulgor de dicha hoguera me moldura en sus entrañas, abriéndose paso entre los resquicios de mi cascarón. Cómo negar que mi ignición se disfraza de un convenio en el que sístole y diástole se estrechan en un abrazo mortal. Cómo negar que el hermetismo de la duda deambula errante sobre la pérgola del ocaso. Cómo negar que me he convertido en estrella. Que dejé de recrearme en la luz para transformarme en una sempiterna poza de luminiscencia infinita. 
Addah Monoceros.

Saturday, 13 June 2015


It is widely known that we were nothing but scrumptious blood, stingily slithering down those emerald alleyways, recklessly flushing in rosy tint, as though our nacreous semblance on the heavens vowed to us. Just you listen to her shrewd and eerie words! She felt so much and showed so little. She, storyteller of vagaries, disclosed epistles in a language of her own, some of them so veiled, so cryptic, that the boldest words seldom kept pace with their downbeat. She whirled alongside tides, incessant, deathless wavers, staunchly hominifying a vicious circle of jaunty conundrums. Professedly abiding in a mischievous arpeggio, her charcoal eyes rebounded trances I wished could embrace me in perpetuum. And howbeit, it may have plainly comprised a bare nacre in the nightfall, casting virtuous osculations to the myriad of our race. But who was I to doom and rap a wrecking zeal as such? For it is the unsubstantial that enfolds our nips of magic. For grimaces like hers conform the axis to my maze. For she encloses mirrors I myself scope my face in. My Moon, my wraith, my queen. My second heart of dreams. 

Addah Monoceros.

Monday, 8 June 2015


In a sense, those shamefaced viola pansies which quietly perish in my lulling snoopiness somehow blush in tinging crimson. It has certainly been a while since my meddlesomeness lacks a wanting I antecedently cherished so dearly — the trail of timber and sugariness on my fingers. The sudden gimmick of corporeal mysteries, anywise ravishing and tempting, slightly musing. And then there is a crevasse of impassiveness, an equity of hollow vacuity. You — dousing sprite of raindrops, paramour of epicurean revelry. You, sprouting hedonism of wonders, offed consciousness which my elvish core gayly cottons to. How can I construe this nourishment I zestfully rely on, hence drenching in the deepest of mischances, just by touching your intricacies? How can I possibly explain that your onyx whiteness harbours the key to such ecstasy, an intoxicating frenzy, a rapture that snatches all my consciousness and raises toasts to winsomeness? How can I engrave this newfangled mural of unbounded singularities and salacious titillations? Thus the pansy exquisitely curries her breezy lashes, spontaneous as the mirth which coltishly escapes me — unclothed and peeled before my raven eyes, collapsing to the last chiming I worship. You, deadly soul, baleful noxiousness — sire of crystal bedrocks and fathomless monoliths — take me, savour me, graze me, engulf my will and feed it to your cosmic cinder. Let me flourish in your tempo. Let me come upon your heavens. 

Addah Monoceros.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Tug of War.

Aphid petioles bloom to beryl morn. 
Dragonfly vaults, empyreal blushing
Playfully veiling a daffy lapse
To the foreordained.

It all feeds on a downfall
Crumbling down, thus and so doomed and sentenced,
And not just from dissent.

«Acta est fabula, plaudite!», I scrawl on chalky poles.
Someone please free me.

What if this cruise appeases in my rapture?
Will my indulgence fog upon its blow?
For I fall out into the boondocks
Of the boonies which once bred on fields of yen.

Ah, the grieving!
The tender twinge of stinging yearning!
Hitherto lofty grounds of mishmash rust.
Glistering streams of raindrops staining curses
With allurement.


My airiness is luscious,
A pomegranate empress
Embraces me in glorious arms of latitude,
Enlivening me.
I close my aphid petioles which once bloomed to beryl morn,
Wind twirls inside my never-ending core.
Someone just called my name
Imploring me to cease
A tug of war in a rapture
On a cruise that won't appease.
Up with my frosty haze,
My epicenter pounds in swanlike hauteur,
I am an hypersonic glint,
Humongous in a vastness I now fondle.

Someone please let me out!
My deathwatch's burlesque and milky walls,
Encumber words I hotly rend on them.
And hence I feel enlivened, 
Ethereal in the arms
Of pomegranate empresses who free me.

And someone calls my name,
Restraining me in stinging yearning.
They urge me to stay back, por favor, please, s'il vous plaît, bitte.
Yet all recrudescence I now rebound,
Are words: «acta est fabula, plaudite».

Addah Monoceros.