Vivir sin sentir sería un sinsentido.

Vivir sin sentir sería un sinsentido.
The flower that blooms last is the most rare and beautiful of all.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

If only.

If only I could stop dreaming. Life would be so much easier - an effortless, soothing vagrancy. Some heavenly, almost holy maze I would willfully get tangled in, hoggishly inhaling its fragrant wheezes of reminiscence. 

If only I could stop remembering. A shortcoming ineptitude to recall the joy my sanity is heir to. Blissfully unaware of the beauties tomorrow beholds for me. The puerile inexperience, cherished in a womb of stargazing wishes. The impeccable innocence, the stainless purity. 

If only I could stop hoping. I could positively do without this infatuate yearning, this preposterous conviction that the future is, indeed, a living personage, a sapient seraph who consistently whispers in our minds, yielding us with ulterior thoughts I once believed taught me to rip out the evil vestiges of my feral self.

And yet, I treasure my dreams with a tenderness so powerful, it avidly engulfs my most rooted memoirs, my striving aspirations. I embrace every fault, every mistake, every lapse I once surrendered to. And I mold them into loving replicas of my utopian flair, and I doll them up with benevolence, saucing them with boundless sweetness.

If only I could hope for more. If only I could remember more. If only I could dream more. If only I could love more. 

Addah Monoceros.

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